All about COVID-19 infection in fully vaccinated people



Vaccination is a great defense against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It gives us a great deal of protection against the virus. However, fully vaccinated people can still contract the virus. In this article, we take a look at symptoms and severity with respect to COVID-19 infection in fully vaccinated people.

Vaccination and Infection

New studies show that people can contract and pass on the coronavirus even with one or two doses of the vaccination. However, it also shows that people experience a less severe effect of the virus. The ZOE COVID symptom study shows that people who got both doses of the vaccine had fewer symptoms and severity. This suggests that people who go vaccination were getting a less serious illness. Additionally, they were getting better quickly.

What symptoms will you get if you are fully vaccinated and contract the virus?

Research shows that if a person contracts covid-19 after getting both doses of the vaccine, the symptom patterns are surprisingly different. For fully vaccinated people, the common symptoms were headaches, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, etc. However, those who contract the virus without vaccination also experienced severe fever, persistent cough, loss of smell and taste.

In India, three vaccines, namely the Astra Zeneca Covishield, Bharath Biotech’s Covaxin, and Sputnik V are available. They differ in the type of vaccine and efficacy. However, they all provide a decent immunity against coronavirus. Although, if you do end up getting it, you are most likely to not suffer severely.

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