How remote work and study have affected people’s lifestyles?

Work from home

Work from home

How remote work and study have affected people's lifestyles

Online learning, remote work, and social distancing have become essential attributes of a new lifestyle in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. The global pandemic has impacted the lives of people around the world in different ways. The lifestyle that we were used to and had been adhering to for many years has changed dramatically. Our freedom was limited, and we had to change our daily activities in order to reduce social contact and the spread of the virus. Of course, we are all looking forward to when the time constraints will be lifted, and we will return to normal life. However, our lifestyle has changed forever after a pandemic. So what has been affected, and what should we be ready for in the future? 

Change 1 – Redefining values

In the aftermath of the pandemic, we will redefine the importance of the work of professionals such as doctors and nurses, as well as those whose work is essential to sustaining society – garbage collectors, retail store workers, and the transportation system. These professions were previously considered low-skilled or undervalued but are now the most important in every country.

Change 2 – Valuing our time 

When everything begins to return to normal, people will want to spend as much time as possible with their family, friends, and loved ones. Despite the fact that various devices help us to stay in touch, there is nothing better than looking into their eyes, holding their hand, and hugging them. These are things that should not be taken for granted, and the pandemic has changed people’s attitudes and priorities.

Change 3 – New style of work

Many believe the COVID-19 pandemic will change how organizations of all sizes operate across all sectors. The implications of these changes are likely to be significant and long-term. Employees may enjoy working from home, and they wonder why they basically needed to come to the office. Likewise, many organizations that used to be suspicious of remote working were forced to accept it and found that it did not reduce productivity. As a result, companies will be able to make their policies more flexible, and work from home will become commonplace

Change 4 – New work routine

Not only will the place of work change, but also the way we work. Many of us are quickly getting used to remote meetings via video conferencing platforms, such as Zoom, and will continue to use this technology for a long time after the pandemic ends. What is more, the number of multimedia software aimed at optimizing the work routine is constantly increasing. Companies are gradually integrating Trello and Miro for project development and tracking purposes. Many use OBS and Movavi for data sharing and training. All in all, businesses try to integrate modern technology and video editing software to boost company performance and profits.

Change 5 – Self-organization

People forget about the well-oiled office system that structured their day. In the new conditions, it has become more difficult to build a balance between work-recreation and maintain efficiency. Nowadays, a lot depends on a person’s discipline, ability to self-organize and plan the time properly. 

For those whose self-organization was already at a high level, remote work has become a source of additional time and new opportunities:

But for many, the shift to remote work has led to a decline in productivity. Not everyone manages to manage their time competently, especially now, when the usual mechanisms regulating work and rest have ceased to operate.

Change 6 – New routine

Remote work has completely changed our days/weeks/months:

Change 7 – Lack of communication

Many have not yet adapted to daily communication in the form of written messages or phone calls as the main way of working communication. When trying to contact a colleague virtually, we often doubt whether the person is free and will be able to devote their time right now. 

The work that directly depends on direct contact with clients becomes more complicated. It is more difficult to establish emotional contact and trusting relationships by video communication or by phone.

Change 8 – Lack of emotional support

Communication in the office is a part of the work routine, which diversifies our everyday life and enlivens us. Moreover, for single people, the team often forms a significant part of the social circle and serves as a key source of emotional support. The presence in the office allows you to share doubts and worries, express emotions, and receive live support.

Change 9 – Impulse for business development

Nevertheless, remote work was able to set in motion new mechanisms and shake the usual foundations of organizations:

In many companies, the remote mode has become a trigger for long-awaited changes that were previously postponed and the modernization of workflows.

Some business owners or managers have become more involved in work processes, as their concern for the business has increased.

Fear of losing a job contributed to the inclusion of a self-preservation mode not only among managers but also among regular employees. This has led to increased work zeal and self-improvement of work processes.

The changes do not end here since businesses are trying to adjust their processes to the new reality.

How will it end?

There is no need to say that our lives and routine have changed due to the situation of a global pandemic. There are many good and bad factors. However, according to quantitative data, people are generally satisfied with the experience despite the difficulties. Only 16% of respondents were disappointed in remote living/working/ studying conditions.

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