Italian dentist presents fake arm for the vaccine to get pass

COVID-19 vaccine

COVID-19 vaccine

Italian dentist presents fake arm for vaccine to get pass

In a rather weird incident in Italy, a dentist faces criminal charges. No, not because he did some major crime. But after attempting to receive a coronavirus vaccine while wearing a silicone arm. Filippa Bua, the nurse giving vaccination, says she could tell something was wrong. When a man presented the phoney limb for a shot on Thursday. 

“When I uncovered the arm, I felt skin that was cold and gummy. And the colour was too light,” Bua informs an Italian newspaper. She claimed she initially mistook the 57-year-old man for an amputee and offered the wrong arm. When she lifted his shirt, she discovered a silicone arm. “I understood immediately that the man was trying to avoid the vaccination by using a silicone prosthetic, into which he hoped that I would inject the drug, unaware,” the nurse says.

Italy’s vaccination rate is relatively high

The nurse says the Italian dentist confessed that he did not want a vaccine. But rather a “super” health pass. Restaurants, cinemas, theatres, and other venues in Italy beginning Monday will require a health pass. He had already been fired from his job for refusing to get vaccinated. Vaccination is a requirement by Italian law. Especially for medical personnel. According to the nurse, the man was polite and left the vaccination centre after the failed attempt.

“We stopped and reflected, and we understood that this wasn’t just a surreal situation, but a real attempt at fraud,” Bua said. She and others at the vaccination site handed over paperwork to superiors so that the case could be reported, which was then turned over to prosecutors. Italy’s vaccination rate is relatively high. Currently, 85 per cent of the eligible population ages 12 and up, people aged 30 to 59 are vaccinated. They have proven to be the most resistant to vaccinations, with nearly 3.5 million still have not received their first doses. 

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