Study reveals COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of death by 48 times



Study reveals covid vaccination reduces the risk of death by 48 times

An Australian study reveals that complete COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of death by 48 times. Additionally, it also reduces the risk of needed ICU care by 16 times than unvaccinated people.

COVID-19 vaccination helps save lives

If you have not got your covid vaccinations, it’s high time to do so. A new study reveals that vaccination can help in averting dreadful consequences due to coronavirus infections. According to the data collected by the health department of New South Wales, about 16 out of 100,000 unvaccinated people died or ended up in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) when they caught the virus. However, only 1 in 100,000 fully vaccinated people died or needed ICU care.

Another dataset from Texas shows that unvaccinated people were 20 times more likely to die due to COVID-19 than those protected. This study, conducted from a four-week-long state survey conducted in Texas, USA. It also reveals that the risk of death is 48 times more for adults in their 30s who are unvaccinated. However, the risk is 63 times higher for unvaccinated adults in their 40s.

Vaccination increases life expectancy

Both studies conducted independently reveal that vaccination helps in improving life expectancy. “This analysis quantifies what we’ve known for months. The Covid-19 vaccines are doing an excellent job of protecting people from getting sick and from dying from Covid-19,” said Dr. Jennifer Shuford. Shuford is the chief epidemiologist for Texas. “Any age group that you look at, being fully vaccinated truly protected people significantly from COVID-19 death,” she added.

After all last year, life expectancy rates reduced in several parts of the world. A total of 28.1 million years of life was lost across 31 nations. Data also reveals that in certain areas where the covid-19 is kept at bay, people lived for a longer time.

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