The 5 most common types of wrongful deaths

The 5 most common types of wrongful deaths

Families who lose a loved one are always devastated, but losses brought on by someone’s negligence can be especially traumatic. When a person dies directly from someone else’s carelessness or wrongdoing, whether it be a person or a company, that is considered wrongful death.

The following are among the most common types of wrongful death cases:

1. Car accidents

Due to the high number of drivers and the frequency of driving, car accidents are the most frequent cause of wrongful death. In Florida, which has more than 16 million drivers, there are typically hundreds of collisions daily. Each year, those collisions result in thousands of fatalities.

  1. The vast majority of fatal car accidents involve at least one negligent driver, whether due to speeding, reckless driving, distracted driving, or drunk driving. If any of these scenarios occur, the negligent driver may be held accountable for the deaths of all other parties, including drivers and passengers.
  2. The city or county might be responsible if the accident happened due to a road problem. 

Example of a car accident wrongful death lawsuit

After his pregnant wife was killed by a drunk driver who crashed into the poolside cabana where they were relaxing at a Fort Lauderdale hotel, a Broward Circuit Court jury awarded Michael DeMella $24 million. Alanna DeMella, 26, and her unborn son were killed after a drunk motorist jumped a barrier on March 18, 2020, and drove into a cabana. 

What is a wrongful death lawsuit, and how much compensation can you typically receive? Well, it entirely depends on who is filing your claim. Therefore, filing your lawsuit with an experienced Personal Injury attorney is recommended.

2. Medical negligence

Although most doctors and nurses possess a high level of ability, mistakes can still occur. These errors can happen when medical professionals take shortcuts, don’t follow the right protocols, or forget to do anything.

The most frequent causes of wrongful death in medical negligence cases include mistakes like-

Many of these situations have errors as their primary issue. It can simply be a case of a new doctor or surgeon making a mistake or creating complications during surgery. It can be a case of a pharmacist giving out an incorrect prescription. These minute details have the potential to be fatal.

These circumstances make the litigation considerably more challenging. It might be difficult to demonstrate that a doctor’s actions resulted in carelessness or malpractice and convince the court and jury that the doctor was at fault. (

3. Mishaps at work

Workplace deaths are more common in high-risk occupations like risky manual labor and construction. Still, if an employer places an employee in a dangerous scenario at work or even off-site, it could result in wrongful death. The most common accidents at work involve- 

Falls can happen anywhere, making them the highest percentage of workplace deaths at 33.5%. 

4. Faulty products

The maker of the defective goods is responsible if someone dies as a result of it. One of the reasons why manufacturers invest so much time in testing their products and ensuring their safety is because of product liability. Defective pharmaceuticals, toxic foods, hazardous children’s items, and defective automobiles are some of the most common examples of this form of wrongful death.

5. Motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents

The safety offered by cars is missing for pedestrians, cyclists, or motorcyclists. Most often, cars drift out of their lanes or onto sidewalks due to distracted driving.

Wrongful death encompasses a lot of different areas. A lot of times, cases can be hard to prove. When someone’s negligence causes fatal injuries, it can be hard to pursue justice. Hence, these cases should be handled by a skilled Wrongful Death lawyer.

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