What is “Bed Rotting”?: A guide to the viral self-care trend

What is "Bed Rotting"?: A guide to the viral trend

The activity of lying in bed for long amounts of time has been given a new name in the age of social media: “bed rotting.” The term has captivated the current generation, with videos on the trend amassing millions of views.

According to the New York Post, the method of “self-care” has received 305 million views on TikTok alone. Advocates of the trend claim “bed rotting” is a great way to reclaim both physical and mental health.

US-based TikTok user @g0bra77y was one of the first to coin the term in a clip that’s been viewed 1.4 million times.

“Who tf actually likes rotting away in their bed,” she said in the clip, as per the Post report while revealing that she herself likes that.

The video received several comments, with the majority of individuals stating that rotting in bed is their favorite activity.

“I feel my purpose in this life is to rot in different places. My bed, hotel bed, beach sand, hammock, etc. I was made to lay and rot,” one TikTok user said while commenting on the video.

“I wish it was acceptable to tell people this is my hobby,” said another, as per New York Post.

Other #bedrot supporters claimed that it was a “hobby” and a “passion,” as well as a “willpower” booster and a chance to connect with like-minded people.

Other social media users stated that ‘bed rotting’ must be intentional and without guilt in order to be considered.

Social media and mental health

Social media might lead to a loss in mental and physical health. When people compare themselves to others all the time, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. This, in turn, can result in anxiety and sadness. Furthermore, social media can be a significant source of stress. It might be tough to disconnect from social media due to the constant flood of notifications and updates. This stress can have a negative impact on both mental and physical health.

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