Aliens watching us through tiny probes: Pentagon officials

Aliens watching us through tiny probes: Pentagon officials

In a draft document, Pentagon claimed last week that aliens may be visiting our solar system and releasing microscopic probes similar to the mission that NASA does to examine distant planets. The Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) director Sean Kirkpatrick and the head of the astronomy department at Harvard University stressed the physical limitations of the unidentified aerial phenomenon in the draft report of the inquiry.

“An artificial interstellar object could potentially be a parent craft that releases many small probes during its close passage to Earth, an operational construct not too dissimilar from NASA missions,” read the report.

“These ‘dandelion seeds’ could be separated from the parent craft by the tidal gravitational force of the Sun or by a maneuvering capability,” it added.

AARO was formed with the task of tracking all items that were in space

The AARO was founded in July 2022 and assigned the task of tracking all items that were in space, the sky, the ocean, and even anything that might have moved from one domain to another. According to the study, in 2005, NASA was tasked with locating 90% of nearby objects that are larger than 140 meters. This assignment inspired the development of Pan-STARRS telescopes.

On October 19, 2017, Pan-STARRS discovered a unique interstellar object that was later given the Hawaiian name “Oumuamua,” which means “scout.”

The object was shaped like a cigar and appeared flat and was propelled away from the sun without displaying a cometary tail which made scientists believe it was artificial.

Another object was discovered three years later, noted the report which was called NASA’s rocket booster 2020 SO and had no cometary trail.

The report added that six months before ‘Oumuamua’ came closer to the Earth, another meter-sized interstellar meteor called IM2 had crashed on the Earth, showing similar speed relative to the Sun at large distances and looking like the ‘Oumuamua’.

“With proper design, these tiny probes would reach the Earth or other solar system planets for exploration, as the parent craft passes by within a fraction of the Earth-Sun separation — just like ‘Oumuamua’ did,” the authors stated.

“Astronomers would not be able to notice the spray of mini probes because they do not reflect enough sunlight for existing survey telescopes to notice them,” they added.

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