Dangerous malware targets over 10 million Android users. Are you one?



Dangerous malware targets over 10 million Android users. Are you one?

GriftHorse, a dangerous malware is collecting data and taking money from several android users. The malware was undetected for months before researchers from Zimperium cracked it down in November 2020. According to estimates, the firm stole ‘hundreds of millions of Euros’.

All about GriftHorse , a dangerous malware

A new widespread is slowly taking over Android phones across the world. GrifHouse, a malware is targetting over 10 million Android phones. This dangerous malware, function as Trojan is subscribing users to paid services since November of last year. Criminals are using the Apache Cordova application to create devastating trojans. The app allows developers to update their applications across platforms easily. How is this possible? App developers did not reuse domains or hardcoded URLs.

According to researchers at Zimperium, the campaign saw the use of 200 Trojans applications. What’s shocking is how the issue went undetected for months together by various antivirus and laptop security providers.

How does this malware target you?

Once the malware infects the phone, the user will receive a string of five spam emails asking the user to claim fake prizes. However, if accepted, the site will lead users to a different website that collects phone and address details. “The technique of abusing cross-platform development frameworks to stay undetected” stated Zimperium researchers.

Unlike other websites, this can use its user data to link in a premium messaging service that sucks $30 every month. However, rest assured the latest report reveals that Google Play removed several malware-infested apps from its service. “This will generate new app risk intelligence as apps are being queued to publish. Partners will analyze that dataset and act as another, vital set of eyes before an app going live,” said Google.

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