Elon Musk’s Neuralink opens applications for brain implant trials: Who can apply, and how?

After completing over 100 days of clinical trials with its first participant who received a Neuralink implant, Neuralink is now seeking more applicants for clinical trials.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Neuralink, announced, “Neuralink is accepting applications for the second participant. This is our Telepathy cybernetic brain implant that allows you to control your phone and computer just by thinking,” Elon Musk, the neurotechnology company’s boss said in an X post.

The neurotechnology company aims to assist paralyzed patients in controlling digital devices using their thoughts alone.

To apply for the Neuralink trial, individuals can participate in the PRIME Study, which stands for Precise Robotically Implanted Brain-Computer Interface. This investigational medical device trial focuses on Neuralink’s fully implantable, wireless brain-computer interface (BCI). The study aims to evaluate the safety of the N1 implant and R1 surgical robot, as well as the initial functionality of the BCI for enabling individuals with quadriplegia to control external devices using their thoughts.

Eligibility criteria for the Patient Registry include individuals within the United States or Canada who are aged 18 or older, have quadriplegia, paraplegia, vision loss, hearing loss, the inability to speak, and/or major limb amputation (above or below the elbow and/or knee), and are able to consent.

Prospective participants can register by providing medical information, demographics, education, work details, information about assistive technologies used, and medical records. Contact information for legally authorized representatives may also be requested.

Despite this risk, the chip proceeded with US approval last year

Neuralink currently has one clinical trial available for enrollment in the United States. Participants who meet preliminary eligibility criteria based on the Patient Registry may be contacted regarding current and/or future clinical trials.

In January, Neuralink implanted its device in the brain of Noland Arbaugh, its first patient, who has been paralyzed from the shoulders down since a diving accident in 2016. Arbaugh has made significant progress with the device, being able to play video games, browse the internet, and control a computer cursor on his laptop using only his thoughts. According to Neuralink, Arbaugh quickly surpassed the world record for cursor control speed after the surgery.

However, last week, Neuralink revealed that the implant’s tiny wires inside Arbaugh’s brain had moved out of position during the first human trial, resulting in fewer electrodes to measure brain signals. This issue was already known to the company from previous animal testing. Despite this risk, Neuralink proceeded with US approval last year, believing the chance of wire retraction was low and did not warrant a redesign. Nevertheless, the company managed to restore the implant’s function by making adjustments, including refining its algorithm to enhance sensitivity.

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