8 cool gadgets that will optimize your work from home productivity

Work from home seems to be all chill until you realize it is pretty daunting. Due to the coronavirus, most employees are sitting at home in front of their laptops with their 8th cup of coffee. While everyone is binge-watching on Netflix, you are thinking when will the stupid presentation will be over. Here are 8 cool gadgets which will increase your work from home productivity.

1. Conference Speaker

Conference speakers allow multiple people to speak at once. It also ensures that everything is heard perfectly. The most amazing part is that you do not have to be tied to it all the time.

2. Webcam

A webcam can help you to see other people and talk. Also, it gives you the perfect opportunity to flaunt your new shirt in front of that Sarah who you despise.

3. Smart Mug

Smart mugs are so essential. They keep the substance in it hot or cold as you desire for hours. It saves your time from your kitchen to your desk.

4. Ergonomic cushion

Ergonomic cushion help to distribute the weight evenly across your lower back, hips and tailbone. Thereby, it improves your posture and also it prevents backache.

5. Laptop stand

Laptop stands will make sure that you sit straight. Also, it keeps the device right where you can see properly. It is quite easy to store if you have space crunch. Foldable laptop stands are a great thing to invest in.

6. Desk Organizer

A desk organizer keeps all things that you require at your desk. No matter what size it is, choose a desk organizer according to your work desk things. It can include stationeries and books and everything of that sort.

7. Wireless earbuds

Wireless earbuds are an effective gadget. Also, you do not have problems with wires. It is basically put in a way that you can everything that you could not have done before.

8. Adjustable Lamp

Adjustable lamps help you adjust the lighting as well as its position. They will help you to complete your work in the dark also without disturbing anyone in the same room.

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