How to dispose off your E-waste safely: A complete guide



how to dispose old gadgets

Tech upgrades usually end up with a pile of old and unused gadgets. You must have a drawer full of old gadgets that are no longer usable or used. E-waste contains several toxic chemicals like beryllium, lead, mercury, cadmium, etc. that can also cause a fire. 

If you dispose of e-waste just like any other thing, it will end up in landfills and leach into the water system. It can lead to contaminated groundwater and eventually have harmful effects on people. Here are five simple and reliable ways to discard your e-waste.

E-waste recycling is crucial to preventing environmental contamination and conserving valuable resources by responsibly managing discarded electronics, reducing harmful chemicals, and promoting resource sustainability. E-waste recycling also helps mitigate the health risks associated with improper disposal of electronic devices, as it prevents toxic substances from leaching into soil and water, safeguarding both human and ecological well-being while fostering a circular economy.

Drop them off at designated company drop-offs

One of the easiest ways to recycle your e-waste is by dropping them off at the gadget’s company drop-offs. Most electronic companies have an e-waste pick or recycling option in their showrooms. They ensure that your e-waste is recycled safely. With this option, you don’t have to worry about polluting disposals or misuse of personal information stored in devices.

Donate your old gadgets

If you have old gadgets that you don’t use, consider donating them to someone in need. More than often, schools, orphanages, and NGOs are on the lookout for used gadgets. It’s easy to upgrade your old electronics. You can always give your laptop or phone a better run by helping someone in these difficult times with online school and work.

Check out the civic body in your city

Most city governments or even universities have a recycling program. Some even have assigned days for an e-waste pick-up. Don’t forget to check with your city council and workplace to get them picked up for no extra cost. These civic bodies have ties with an authentic recycler or on their own.

Sell your outdated gadgets

Selling your old phone that’s gathering dust is the best way to make some extra cash while getting rid of your old gadgets. You can sell them on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist and several other phone or gadget buyback facilities like EcoATM, SellCell, etc.

Give your e-waste to a certified recycler

Another easy way to recycle your electronics is to give them to a certified e-waste recycler. They can recycle your e-waste responsibly without polluting the environment and ensuring safe disposal. Don’t forget to check if the recycler is certified by the Basel Action Network (BAN).

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