5 Tips to manage high anxiety

Practice breathing techniques

Breathing techniques like 4-7-8 breathing can help reduce stress and calm the mind and body by reducing shallow, rapid breaths that can lower oxygen and elevate carbon dioxide.

Recruit support and talk to someone

Sharing thoughts and feelings with loved ones can alleviate stress and worry, as a problem shared is halved.

Find a reason to laugh

Laughter boosts mental health by reducing anxiety and depression symptoms, reducing stress, and boosting neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Find inspiration in books, movies, and social interactions.

Keep a positive attitude

Identify joy in life, regardless of anxiety disorder symptoms. With support, you can lead a productive and meaningful life, despite the challenges it presents.

Eat a healthy and nutritious diet

Consuming brain-boosting foods like fish fat, berries, turmeric, and broccoli, while avoiding processed and sugary foods, is crucial for overall health and wellbeing.