Best Cardio Workouts You Can Do At Home


Burpees might be the dread of CrossFit pros, but they do provide a killer cardio workout in a short period. You do not need any equipment or a lot of space, making them a great cardio workout at home.

Jump Rope

Jumping rope is often considered the best cardio workout and is used for cross training by many athletes. You can do it almost anywhere with just a simple jump rope you can buy in many locations, which is why it is a great cardio workout at home.

Jumping Jacks

Another cardio workout at home that might bring you back to your childhood is jumping jacks. Similar to burpees, doing jumping jacks for 10 minutes straight can burn around 100 calories.

Squat Jumps

You start in a squat and then jump up, trying to get as high as possible, and then land back in the squat. It is high impact, especially on your knees, so care is needed when you are a beginner or if you are suffering a knee injury.


Kickboxing is a combination of karate and boxing which is excellent for not only cardio but also strength training.


Anything that gets your heart pumping exercises your cardiovascular system, and certain dance moves also help to build muscle.

Running the Stairs

Another cardio workout at home is stair running, as long as you have some stairs nearby. Stair workouts help you build strength and power in your lower body and gets the heart rate pumping.