The world’s longest-living people share their ‘non-negotiables’ for a long, happy life

Movement is life

The world's longest-lived individuals live in naturally movement-promoting environments, incorporating activities like gardening and avoiding mechanical conveniences for household chores.

Having a purpose is important

A clear sense of purpose, known as "ikigai" in Japan and "plan de vida" in Costa Rica, can significantly prolong life and reduce stress and anxiety.

Mellow down

Blue zone residents manage stress through routines like remembering ancestors, praying, napping, or enjoying a happy hour.

The 80 per cent rule

Confucian mantra "hara hachi bu" promotes eating when stomach is full, supporting immune function, weight maintenance, and reducing chronic conditions. Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables protect cells.

Prioritise your loved ones

Blue zone centenarians maintain close relationships with aging family members, which has been proven to reduce disease and mortality rates in their children.