Journalists traveling with Biden warned against stealing from Air Force One

Journalists traveling with Biden warned against stealing from Air Force One

In an unexpected turn of events, the White House has instructed journalists to refrain from stealing from US President Joe Biden’s official aircraft, Air Force One.

A thorough investigation into rampant theft by the White House press corps sparked outrage in the US capital on Friday (March 26).

“For years, scores of journalists — and others — have quietly stuffed everything from engraved whiskey tumblers to wine glasses to pretty much anything with the Air Force One insignia on it into their bag before stepping off the plane,” according to Politico.

The US president is accompanied by 13 journalists whenever he travels outside for official purposes

The White House Correspondents’ Association issued a harsh warning to its members via email, stressing that the items the journalists stole from the press cabin as souvenirs were not ignored.

The US president is always accompanied by 13 journalists whenever he travels outside for official purposes.

The media outlets cover their travel expenses, as well as the food and drinks offered in flight.

The crew distributes small packages of M&M’s candies bearing the presidential seal and the signature of the United States president as memorabilia.

Glasses and other Air Force One-branded accessories can be purchased online.

However, Politico reported that the press section aboard the president’s official plane was not contended by this, citing sounds of plates and glassware rattling from their suitcases as they exited.

According to the claim, a former White House writer who worked for a renowned newspaper once hosted a dinner party and served food on a set of gold-rimmed Air Force One plates that had been stolen throughout the years.

According to the story, one journalist responded to the correspondents’ association’s harsh criticism by returning an embroidered pillowcase after meeting with a press representative in a park across from the White House.

“The pillowcase changed hands, and that was that.”

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