Spotted with bandage and spots on the head: Is Kim Jong Un sick again?

Kim Jong Un

Kim Jong Un

Kim Jong Un

Kim Jong Un was spotted with dark spots and a bandage on the back of his head throughout July. The media speculates that the North Korean leader has several health issues. Read to know if the bandage and spots add to his list of mysterious health issues.

Is Kim Jong Un sick?

According to the NK New site images, Kim Jong Un appeared at several events from July 24 to July 27. The images were from events of the Korean People’s Army and war veterans’ conference. “The cause or nature of the large, dark green spot or bruise on the rear right side of his head. It was covered with a bandage in some footage, which is still unknown. It is difficult to diagnose using only images,” states the article.

Additionally, the leader’s head did not appear in the footage from a Politburo meeting on July 29. It is the same for images from his meeting with musicians earlier on July 11. He has been speculated to suffer from gout, cardiovascular diseases among others.

A thread of reality and news

However, South Korea’s National Intelligence Service believes that there are no unusual signs in Kim Jong Un’s health. According to a lawmaker, Kim was free from the bandage patches a few days ago. Hence, it does not show scarring. If there is an abnormality in his health, there should be signs that they are importing drugs to the clinic that’s in charge of Kim’s health. But, we did not detect it. Additionally, Kim Jong Un still hosts hours-long meetings and there’s nothing unusual about how he walks,” said the lawmaker.

Although, this is not the first time that his health issues and injuries have come out. Despite strict efforts from North Korea’s media outlets. This scare follows after an image broke out of a thinner Kim surfaced after absence from media for a month.

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