A man swallowed entire Nokia 3310 phone, undergoes surgery to remove it

Man swallows Nokia 3310 phone

Earlier last month, a man who swallowed Nokia 3310 phone receives life-saving surgery. The 33-year-old from Pristina, Kosovo, swallowed a Nokia 3310 phone. It was the model that became famous as the “brick” phone after releasing in the year 2000.

He was taken to a hospital after the phone was found in his stomach. Dr. Skender Telaku had the task of securely removing the item. The phone was ‘too large for him to digest,’ according to scans and testing, and it was posing a threat to his life due to its corrosive battery, which contained toxic chemicals.

Fortunately for the man, the surgery went smoothly. the doctor retrieved the phone from his stomach. Dr. Telaku posted photos of the phone, as well as X-Ray and endoscopic images. It was within the man’s stomach. It was posted on Facebook shortly after the operation.

“I got a call about a patient who swallowed an object, and after carrying out a scan we noticed that the phone had split into three parts,” Dr. Telaku told local media in Kosovo.

“Out of all the parts, it was the battery that concerned us most because it could have potentially exploded in the man’s stomach,” he added.

A look of the mobile

According to accounts, the man went to the hospital in Pristina, the capital, after experiencing a stomach ache. The man swallowed Nokia 3310 phone didn’t say why he did it, according to the doctor.

The doctor and his crew can be seen locating and retrieving the phone from the man’s stomach in a video shot with a little camera. It took two hours to remove the device.
There have been multiple examples of persons swallowing mobile phones, according to a case study from 2014. A 29-year-old man swallowed his phone in 2016, and despite vomiting for many hours, it stayed lodged in his stomach. The device was necessary to be removed, which necessitated surgery.

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