The best movies on Netflix for history buffs

From rivalry, war, royal romance, and political rights to the never-ending events of World War II, our compelling history is brimming with such intriguing and valuable themes that directors all over the world feel forced to take from it. The majority of the most important historical films are presently available on Netflix, the world’s largest streaming service. To make it simpler for you to choose the ideal movies to watch, we’ve compiled a list of the finest historical movies on Netflix that you can watch.

Historical movies on Netflix

1. Troy

IMDb: 7.2/10

Troy is an excellent Hollywood historical film to watch on Netflix from 2004. This film is based on Ancient Greek poet Homer’s Iliad, which narrates the tale of the epic conflict between the kingdoms of Sparta and Troy. The film has several fantastic action moments and stunning cinematography. Despite being a little on the lengthy side, Brad Pitt’s portrayal of Achilles elevates this story about love, tragedy, greed, revenge, and also honor truly riveting.

2. Glory

IMDb: 7.8/10

Glory is a historical film starring Morgan Freeman and Denzel Washington about the 54th Massachusetts infantry regiment (also known as the first black regiment) that fought for the Union Army during the Civil War. Glory is a one-of-a-kind film that tackles issues like racism, slavery, liberation, and sacrifice. The film was beautifully filmed and directed. Also, it has many aesthetically stunning, gut-wrenching, and unforgettable sequences, making it one of the best historical movies on Netflix and ever made.

3. Suffragette

IMDb: 6.9/10

Suffragette is a one-of-a-kind film about the feminist movement, which is by far the most significant event in English history. Women initially began campaigning for their voting rights in the country during this campaign in the twentieth century. This film, in addition to being really uplifting, features some outstanding performances from its ensemble. If that wasn’t enough, the film has some fierce female role models and is a candid depiction of women’s problems in the nineteenth century. This Netflix historical film is a must-see for everyone, not just history nerds.

4. Outlaw King

IMDb: 6.9/10

The Outlaw King is a film that tells the narrative of Robert Bruce, also famous as the “Outlaw King”. He is regarded as a hero in Scottish history. This film takes place in 14th-century Scotland, where the Outlaw King battles valiantly to reclaim his country’s independence from England.

The film stars Chris Pine as Robert Bruce and has tremendous fight sequences and mind-blowing action-packed sequences. The Outlaw King is visually spectacular since it is set in Scotland. You’d be kicking yourself if you didn’t see it because of the excellent cinematography and soundtrack.

5. Mudbound

IMDb: 7.4/10

This film set in the post-World War II era follows two soldiers who come home after serving in the war. Mudbound, also based on the same-named novel, delves into the deep roots of prejudices that existed in the United States throughout WWII.

Carey Mulligan, Jason Clarke, and Jason Mitchell star in the film, which tackles subjects including PTSD, racism, family, parenting, and also equality. This best historical film on Netflix is surely a must-watch for all history fans out there, thanks to outstanding directing and a fascinating narrative. (Buspirone)

6. First they killed my father

IMDb: 7.2/10

First They Killed My Father is a narrative of hope, suffering, and sacrifice based on the memoir of the same name. The film depicts the life of a 5-year-old girl who grew up in Cambodia during the terrible Khmer Rouge regime. Then, the kid is forced to train as a soldier after being separated from her parents at an early age.

Unlike any other film on our list, this one describes the tale of a child’s survival in a heartwarming and gut-wrenching way. Angelina Jolie also expertly directs the film, which has powerful performances, amazing cinematography, and several difficult but unforgettable moments.

7. The king

IMDb: 7.2/10

The King is a Netflix original film starring Timothee Chalamet as Prince Hal in the title role. The plot centers around Prince Hal, who succeeds his father as King Henry following his death. Then, the young prince has to forcefully navigate through all of the wars and politics.

The King is a superb historical drama with excellent acting, stunning cinematography, wonderful costumes, and also production design. If it wasn’t enough, the King has exciting action sequences and breathtaking combat scenes, earning them the adoration of all history buffs.

8. The trial of the Chicago 7

IMDb: 7.8/10

The trial of the Chicago 7, directed by the great Aaron Sorkin, follows the story of the Chicago 7. The Chicago 7 is the designation given to a group of anti-Vietnam protestors. They were falsely in for accusation of the 1968 Democratic National Convention rioting in Chicago. The film chronicles their trial. Then, the film boasts an ensemble cast, including famous actors such as Sacha Baron Cohen. It is also a beautiful piece of direction.

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