What’s new on Netflix? 8 series students are talking about



What’s new on Netflix? 8 series students are talking about

Netflix has prepared a lot of exciting releases for this year. Some of the fans’ favorite shows are coming back with new seasons. And there are also several new series to check out right now. If you were looking for something to binge with college friends, this list is for you. 

Of course, students might not always have enough time for a great movie night. They also need to prepare for exams, tests and write endless papers. But it is important to remember that taking breaks is necessary for one’s overall well-being. If you feel like you are close to an academic burnout and need a bit of “me time”, watching a good show can help to recharge. 

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So if it was the only thing stopping you from enjoying a new series on Netflix, it is not a problem anymore. Here are the best new picks students are talking about. 

Source- Unspalsh

Human Resources

This is an animated spin-off of the beloved comedy “Big Mouth”. It was released on March 18 and has already gained a lot of attention. The story revolves around the Hormone Monsters but involves humans as well. Here monsters work in an office space with other creatures impacting human behavior. 

It is a beautifully crafted narrative with an amazing voice cast and excellent humor. In a nutshell, it is a workplace comedy with an unusual setting. 

1. Bridgeton Season 2

The first season of this show made a lot of fuss. So it is not surprising that Netflix is delivering the next season on March 25. This time the focus shifts to the eldest son and the current head of the family. Anthony is looking for a wife and a lot of this romantic drama revolves around that. 

Overall, those who enjoyed the first season will love this one. It has the same amazing cinematography and costumes. 

2. Worst Roommate Ever

It is one of the things every student should watch. First of all, it is extremely interesting. Secondly, it will make one feel better about their living conditions for sure. 

Worst Roommate is a fresh turn of the true-crime genre. This is a short docu-series revolving around landlords and tenants whose behavior went criminal. There are 5 episodes in season one with stories about serial killers, con artists, and other dangerous people to live with. 

3. Servant of the People

All eyes are on Ukraine now and on the President of Ukraine. Netflix has just bought and released this Ukrainian series starring Volodymyr Zelensky. A lot of people do not know that before becoming the leader of the country, he was a comedian and an actor. In this sitcom, he plays a teacher who becomes the president of Ukraine. 
Yes, it is very meta and ironic now. It is one of the top new non-English titles to binge on Netflix. It is well made and combines both family comedy and political satire.

Source- Unspalsh

4. Bad Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives

Another exciting option for true crime fans. It is a four-episode documentary about Sarma Melngailis, a New York-based chef, whose career was ruined by a series of very bad decisions. There is an affair, toxic relationship, stealing money from investors and employees, the run – a thrilling adventure to watch. 

It features interviews from Sarma and her colleagues and employees to paint the picture. It is also a useful way to educate yourself on gaslighting and how brainwashing can be extremely dangerous. 

5. Vikings: Valhalla

This is a sequel to the Vikings that depicts the next epoch coming after the original series. The plot is set a hundred years after. The protagonist is Leif Erikson who is going to be the first European to come to North America. Historically, it is pretty close to the end of the Viking era.

Overall, it is a great title for those who love historical pieces, swords, bearded knights, and some family drama. It is adventurous, exciting, and filled with twists and turns. 

6. The Andy Warhol Diaries

Andy Warhol had a huge impact on modern culture and art. A new docu-series about him and his life is produced by Ryan Murphy. One of the most exciting features of this production is that the story is narrated by the AI-generated voice of Andy Warhol himself. The idea might sound weird, but the execution is pretty impressive. 

There are 6 episodes, so it is possible to watch them all in one day. This one is especially interesting for students in Arts and Humanities.

7. All of Us Are Dead

It is a thrilling South Korean zombie show. There is a virus outbreak at a high school and students now have to fight against monsters. Although the zombie genre is nothing new, this one offers a fresh take on that. And a school background for these gruesome battles offers an interesting contrast. 

Of course, the show explores deeper subjects like corruption and abuse of power. But even disregarding that, it is a perfect choice for fans of the genre. 

Honorable Mentions

Here are some amazing titles to check out on Netflix:

In Summary 

One of the best things about Netflix is that it constantly releases something new to binge on. And this year so far has brought us several fascinating shows in various genres. From documentaries to zombie fights and Vikings – it has something for everyone. 

If you are looking for something fresh, check out one of these excellent series. 

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